Why should you choose our products?

Each of our croquettes has the flavour of tradition, because the way it is made does not change for 60 years: only the best ingredients combined wisely according to nature.


Each of our products is the result of long years of field studies and tests: they are calibrated to meet real nutritional needs.


We select the best raw materials of national origin and GMO-free to ensure the result that your friend deserves.


No preservatives, no flavor or coloring: we have always been the champions of natural nutrition.

Since 1954, science at the service of your best friend

Nutrix Più was born from our passion for animals and with a specific goal: to produce the best possible food

Each of our croquettes has the flavour of tradition, because the way it is made has not changed in 60 years: only the best ingredients wisely combined according to nature.

Our products are unique because they are created in a unique way: raw materials from Italy, controlled and certified. And to make them even better, we ensure that nothing is added: zero preservatives, zero artificial flavors and zero dyes.

Do you know why our croquettes look natural? Simply because they are.

Every day we check and select our suppliers, to guarantee you the best possible product.

Now you know why we have been on the market for 60 years, and why we will continue to be present.


Some of our products

Mini Multiproteico senza POLLO

Mangime completo per cani adulti di piccola taglia, con più fonti di proteine nobili ma senza carni di pollo.

Confezione da 1,5 Kg

Proteine di Manzo, Suino ed Agnello disidratate (28%) – Granturco – Frumento – Proteine di Aringhe disidratate (8%) – Farinetta di Granoturco – Strutto Suino – Farina di Soja decorticata – Farina di Erba Medica …

Adulti Multiproteico senza POLLO

Mangime completo per cani adulti, con più fonti di proteine nobili ma senza carni di pollo.

Confezione da 15 e 4 Kg

Proteine di Manzo, Suino ed Agnello disidratate (28%) – Granturco – Frumento – Proteine di Aringhe disidratate (8%) – Farinetta di Granoturco – Strutto Suino – Farina di Soja decorticata – Farina di Erba Medica disidratata …


Mangime completo e naturale per cuccioli di gatto.

Confezione da 1,5 Kg

Proteine di Aringhe disidratate 49% – Farinetta di Granturco – Granturco – Strutto Suino – Proteine Suine disidratate – Farina di Erba Medica disidratata – Farina di Soja decorticata – Sostanze Minerali – Carote essiccate.

Senior Granulare

Mangime completo per cani oltre i 7/8 anni di età con difficoltà a masticare.

Confezione da 4 Kg

Proteine di Pollo, Manzo e Suino disidratate – Granoturco – Frumento – Proteine di Aringhe disidratate – Farinetta di Granoturco – Farina di Erba Medica disidratata – Strutto Suino – Farina di Soja decorticata – Sostanze Minerali – Carote essiccate.

What Our Customers Think

Some testimonials that our customers have left about us and our products.
Veronica Bardi

Veronica Bardi

Dog owner

I have been using it for over ten years! Fantastic food, the dogs are fine and even at the various veterinary controls I have never had problems related to feeding!

Massimo Mattei

Massimo Mattei

Dog owner

The dog’s biscuits are excellent in quality especially the light ones

Roberto Rossi

Roberto Rossi

Dog owner

Excellent nutrition with 7 perfectly in shape lupoid dogs

Adro Morza

Adro Morza

Dog owner

They are the best croquettes. Excellent value for money.

recensione da google maps

Sauro Vittori

Dog owner

Medium - small company with high quality products at more than fair prices!



inizia la campagna 10000 pasti, l'azienda donerà dei pasti omaggio ai cani meno fortunati ospitati in canili o rifugi selezionati per tutte le confezioni acquistate nei mesi di Agosto, Settembre e Ottobre

Stay in touch

You can contact us by phone or by filling in the contact form on the side.


Via Potenza, 92 - 62022 Castelraimondo (MC) 

Contact Details

Tel: +39 0737 641171
Fax: +39 0737 643011 
Mon. Fri. 8:00-19:00

Contact Us

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